Katie Mo

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

i miss choir.
we were talking about you guys in the pool yesterday and Donna remarked that she never wanted to be in choir because she was afraid she'd turn into one of those "Choir People" - ah yes, the dreaded breed of people who are all so intensely different and yet so linked and loveable and quirky. haha.
bad news is, it still hurts to open my mouth very wide. got a check up on thursday though, so we'll see what the deal is about that.
MY TEETH ARE GONE. I kept them, though. They're HUGE and NEAT LOOKING except for the little pieces of flesh left on them (haha, made ya gag..)! Anyway.
Loved the Fourth of July but had some drama as usual...can't seem to learn to keep my mouth shut no matter what I do...Honesty may be the best policy but did anyone ever say you had to be COMPLETELY honest and share EVERYTHING you're thinking? Why ca't I just learn this lesson and keep silent?! I always get myself into Trouble.
We spent the whole day at Brad's house for his family's shindig... met his hilarious grandma (she slipped on the steps getting out of the pool and said "Aha! I'm drunk!" and wasn't and it was the funniest thing.. I love when people can have a sense of humor about stuff like that) and played with his wonderful nephew and puppy... Ty is the cutest ! and he's so smart...and he swims! It's amazing! I didn't know that kids who are very-nearly-two could even learn to swim so young...he doesn't need his floaties anymore.. and he forgets to come up for air, he's such a fish! it's been so exciting to watch him grow this summer. Brad's mom is a funny lady, too. But she never lets me help her clean the kitchen and I always feel in-the-way. I got to wipe off the stove yesterday though, guess that was productive. Haha.
We (in case any of you are wondering..."we" always almost exclusively means Donna, Brad, and I) went down to Fairhope Pier to watch the fireworks last night... We met up with Austin, Sarah, Travis, (Donna's cousins, like family to me if not closer) and Fajah (their dad, Uncle David - get it? Austin's father...) and their friends Shasta and Janson - The fireworks were incredible. My favorites are the gold ones that remind me of corn for some reason that branch out and crackle and don't pop-and-fade... they sort of hang there in the air. We almost got beat up because I kept telling people who were walking by to shut up, but for some reason I like to watch fireworks in silence - they're sacred, who dares speak through the show!? um...We also really liked the cloud-jellyfish ... you know the residue from the fireworks that stays in the air and you can see it during every flash? The Great Jellyfish of the Sky that only come out on the Fourth of July...hey, it rhymes, I'm a poet (didn't know it!).
okay, well, i'm rambling, and i don't want to talk about how i'm actually feeling about things (HAHA!!!!!!um, dunno why that was funny.) So i'm going to go to work now. Fare thee well, loyal citizens!


At Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:36:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

and the choir director misses you!

At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:18:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey woman.
i was glad to read about your life. i've been missing that. i really want to be the not drunk old lady when i grow up. actually, i think i'd like to be her right...now.


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