all right, so i'm bored.
no exciting storm time, no power outage, and A CURFEW THAT HAS NOT BEEN LIFTED. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY TIME?
bombard your page with pictures, of course. so here are a few:
my wonderful dogs, Lily and Louie. Louie is the tiny white one. Yes, he's a boy, even though he doesn't look it :)
and a picture I took illegally inside Pirates of the Caribbean several summers ago:
and finally, Donna and Brad, shocking the crap out of eachother with Donna's dad's knee therapy shocker thing:
I love these people :) Yes, we're crazy, but what else is Life for?
seriously, the bummerest of all weather phenomenon is the wussy hurricane. it's all talk and then it does NOTHING. and you still have to go to class. boo.
my boyfriend's name is matt. he writes on the blog from time to time. it was one of those sneak attack things where apparently everyone but me knew where this was headed about five months before i did. i thought we were just pals. who knew? as i said, not me.
but, as i said, i refuse to make my blog one of those kinds of blogs and come on, the mass public doesn't need to know the intimate details of my sad little life. so now you know more than most.
tra la.
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