Katie Mo

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Maybe some of you have noticed that I've paid more attention in choir this week. No offense, Dr. C, but sometimes I zone out...okay, a lot. Well, I've sort of have a personal crisis with a few friends..."friends" of mine this week, and my life has pretty much gone straight to h-e-double-hockey-sticks. Maybe that's why I seem a bit less happy than usual, although introducing caffeine back into my diet has done wonders for my energy level!
Anyway, when we start to sing, I don't have to think about how much people suck and how I've been completely discarded/disowned/shoved rudely aside for no apparent reason. Believe it or not, some people actually dislike me. I don't get it. Music makes alllll my problems go away, and I get to think about dynamics and what the words are and what they mean and meter and notes and all that fun stuff, and it's really been helping me a lot. When I wake up in the morning, my problems are all I can think about and it's driving me crazier than I already am. I hate feeling like this! So, anyway. I've never gotten so much school work done.
I've been studying my choir music outside of class (which for me is weird, I admit), I wrote a paper early, I did a presentation over the course of several days instead of all the night before...I studied Chemistry! Maybe this whole not-having-friends thing is good for me. Although it makes finding a dinner partner kind of tough (right, laundry boy?).
Only a 3-page Lit paper about Uncle Tom, a 10-page Research paper about Horatio, a Chem test, and a buttload of finals to go! Not to mention packing, moving out, and packing for the trip. And getting all my residents moved out (woot, woot - I LOVE MY JOB)!
sorry this was so long. hope you didn't get this far! haha


At Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:19:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Katie, if you are having problems with your friends like you describe then you have the wrong kinds of friends. I think you are very sharp and intelligent with a passionate wackiness to boot. And nothing ever goes wrong when you are studying your choir music!


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