Today was a not good day. . .
(One of) my psych teachers is completely incompetent (I stress "completely" because I don't think that the other one hits a very high standard either). I fail to see how what she lectures on relates to the book, or the reasoning behind the test we have to take every class period on a new chapter when we haven't moved out of the first one (other than to keep us coming to class but that's a shitty unfair way to keep up your attendance), or how hermaphrodites relate to our class in any possible way other than perhaps she noticed that I was going to get up and walk out to refrain from KILLING EVERYONE IN THERE TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM THEIR SHEER STUPIDITY!!! Anyway. That was that class... I wish guys knew that it was to have a period - to know what it is to feel ABSOLUTELY CRAZY for a few days with NO explanation - and not even understand it yourself. so. that about sums it up. bye!
also, i feel much better now. Hurray food!