Katie Mo

Monday, January 31, 2005

well, i'm totally the coolest person in the world.
i sprained my ankle this weekend jumping off my best friend's front porch (it's six inches high. woo. the coolness is overpowering you).

that aside, i was at home this weekend! i saw Phantom again!! and we went to a Mardi Gras parade (in the rain!) and that was Friday.
on Saturday i went down to the beach with my mom and we moved a dryer and the surf was HUGE and it was cold and we didn't actually go on the beach. then we went home and went out to eat and i sprained my ankle before we went to Wings and i'm totally lame now (literally? figuratively? aha! a pun!) and then we couldn't really go anywhere so we watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape? at my house and Donna got mad at us because we were laughing at the retarded kid (hey - it's supposed to be funny! "Match in the gas tank, boom boom!") and then we went to walmart to find me a brace and i hobbled around and they didn't have any grr.
Sunday we had a breakfast adventure and then me and mommy went and bought me a brace and then i had to drive with my wounded leg and that was excitement.
and now it's monday and i had a test and i want to go to sleep but i have 1,000,000,000,000 things to do and so i have to go now. byebye.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

woo!! I love the computer lab.

I just got an email from the almost-head of the English Department about my article in last week's Kaleidoscope, telling me that she's really been watching what she's said about what she's teaching and also wanted to know if the professor I was griping about was in the English Department so she could work on the problem! BOOYA!!!! I had an effect on someone through my writing! HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT?!

bang-a-rang, Rufio!!

I really want some macaroni and cheese. Who wants to cook for me?

Today we had choir together again and I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU GUYS!!!! I still have the King David stuck in my head. I'm bout to strangle someone. THE THUNDER PEALED ON THE HEADS OF THE FOE, WHO IN THEIR MALICE SOUGHT MY END.
haha, that makes me kind of depressed. someone is my foe.

I really have a lot to get done and it's very hard when i'm completely exhausted. also i need to get more sleep so i can fight off what everyone else has; i swear everyone i know is sick!!! booo!!!

okay, well, bye! see you l8r, g8r.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


i am so ready for choir to be back to normal.
i hate the honegger mess, and i hate being all separate and stuff. i was informed today that i need to update everything.

well here i am.
i've moved to Hixson and am RA on the ninth floor (WOO! Lauren and Robin!) and i am totally awesome. okay not really. i can't have internet yet.
i'm deprived.
depraved, even.
what is life without the internet?
i'll tell you: costly phone bills. that's what it is.

I have an article in the Kaleidoscope this week that every one should read, and right now I'm off to buy a fridge. so i'll see you tomorrow night (boo, no more taking my weekend-nights!)

Friday, January 07, 2005

I am on the phone with the most incredible person I have ever met.
I feel the need to share this with you all because he's saying things...ranting against hate, and stupidity and judgemental people (since he's not naming anyone, i can't say that he's judgemental..) and.. this sounds stupid trying to type it out.
but it's the best sermon i ever heard.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Take a look at the mountain
Stretching a mile high
Take a look at the ocean
Far as your eye can see
And think of Me

Take a look at the desert
Do you feel like a grain of sand?
I am with you wherever
Where you go is where I am
And I'm always thinking of you

Take a look around you
I'm spelling it out one by one

I love you more than the sun
And the stars that I taught how to shine
You are mine, and you shine for me too
I love you yesterday and today
And tomorrow, I'll say it again and again
I love you more

Matthew West is so incredible... this is my new favorite song, hands down (no, not the Dashboard song, this song, "More.")
Today was most incredibly better. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And even more incredibly, I feel like I can succeed this semester, if I only apply myself. I admit that I didn't last semester, which explains Calculus and Chem 2 which I will be retaking this summer (gag); but I know that I can do this stuff! I'm fairly sure that Psychology of Learning is going to be my hardest class, but that's okay because I know that Dr. Robinson knows me and is totally willing to help me out, and Reading,Writing,&Research in English isn't NEARLY as intimidating as I thought it would be. anyway, i'm bored so i'm stopping now.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Well, I haven't made any resolutions because I know I'll forget them all by next week so I can't exactly share that with you today.

Today was the beginning of classes.
Music Appreciation was a total let-down. My teacher says that he doesn't like more than half the music we'll cover. And also that if I leave my cell phone on in class, he'll let me sing a solo.
I got to choir an hour early and chilled with Chris, Carlee, and the rest of the early folks. Our choir seems greatly diminished without my other Katies and where was Jon Miller today? I feel so empty when we practice without the guys. I don't like it, but I guess we don't have a choice. But I love that bass sound. And I felt crappy. So that was bad.
And then Psychology of Learning I am taking a) because I am a Psych minor but also b) because I love Professor Robinson. not in a weird marry-your-professor-way like my grandmother did, but he's a funny guy, and I find him easy to follow and learn from. Bad part: this is gonna be a hard class and the book was $70. oh well
tomorrow will be better.
tomorrow has to be better.