Katie Mo

Monday, July 25, 2005


um, okay. So I've been having a blast. Literally, a BLAST. okay, not literally. Fireworks were at the beginning of the month.
We went tubing on the Styx on Saturday, me Donna Brad Sarah and Travis and it was SO much fun. We pulled off the water to eat our PB&Js and there was a group already on the beach and they were smoking weed (seriously, every other group we passed that wasn't piss-drunk was openly smoking weed, it was soooo bizarre to me!) and one guy yelled "Hey! We'll make a good trade like Indians! Good food, good green - good trade!" He was so proud of himself for that witty little comment. He was dead serious. We considered trading with him so we could have a good story later. Haha! But Brad squished that idea...kept asking what we would do with it when we had it. oh well.
ANYWAY! I had the craziest dream night before last! I had to call Waylon! He was surprised to hear from me:
I was walking around campus (although it wasn't UAB's campus, I just knew it was my college, you know?) and there were trains for getting to classes across campus that ran on tracks like trolleys but they were HUGE thundering subway-trains. There was only concrete railing on one side of the tracks. I had walked to the wall to say hey to someone and was standing on the tracks when suddenly, a train was rushing at me out of nowhere and I couldn't move! A guy over the wall grabbed my arm but didn't have the strength to get me out of the way and then Waylon Hinkle leaned over the wall and grabbed my legs and pulled me out of harms' way! He saved my life! It was crazy. I called him yesterday to tell him. Also it was hilarious when I realized when I woke up.
>>Back to the DreamSequence<<
After Waylon saved my life, I was at the beach. There were HUGE 20-ft sharks washing up on the beach (yes, I've been watching shark week) and one of the sharks had bitten a friend of mine from high school who is in Women's Choir, Courtney Stringfellow; she hadn't died, but was in surgery. Donna was inside this enormous Bed&Breakfast we were staying in, and she rushed out to play with the sharks (she would do this in real life). I got really, really mad at her and we had a huge fight about how stupid she was being. I started to cry, and ran into the house, where I encountered my mom, who yelled at me a lot and handed me some capers and told me to make soup out of them. So all I had for this soup was capers and water, and I can't cook as it is. My brother kept coming into the kitchen and putting bits of meat into the brew to help me.
and that was my dream. I guess two seperate dreams if you consider they were in two different locations but dreams just do that sometimes and that's cool.
I wish I could Apparate.
this is long enough. byebye.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Your Daddy Is Johnny Depp

What You Call Him: Pa
Why You Love Him: You don't love him, you just love calling him "daddy"

Sunday, July 10, 2005

all right, so i'm bored.
no exciting storm time, no power outage, and A CURFEW THAT HAS NOT BEEN LIFTED. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY TIME?
bombard your page with pictures, of course. so here are a few:

my wonderful dogs, Lily and Louie. Louie is the tiny white one. Yes, he's a boy, even though he doesn't look it :)

and a picture I took illegally inside Pirates of the Caribbean several summers ago:

and finally, Donna and Brad, shocking the crap out of eachother with Donna's dad's knee therapy shocker thing:

I love these people :) Yes, we're crazy, but what else is Life for?

i'll let you guys know if i die.
be safe.
i'm riding it out. (and for those of you who don't know, I'm under mandatory evacuation.. me and dad are CRAZY!)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

a present for all of you who miss my smiling face ;)
(okay, so I'm not smiling and it's old. but hey, it's funny.)

Edit: Delia demands explaination; it's from prom, it's a hat, not a crown but you'd never know the difference; I think it's hilarious and I love the expression on my face! hehe. okay. so that's all the explaining i got for you.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

i miss choir.
we were talking about you guys in the pool yesterday and Donna remarked that she never wanted to be in choir because she was afraid she'd turn into one of those "Choir People" - ah yes, the dreaded breed of people who are all so intensely different and yet so linked and loveable and quirky. haha.
bad news is, it still hurts to open my mouth very wide. got a check up on thursday though, so we'll see what the deal is about that.
MY TEETH ARE GONE. I kept them, though. They're HUGE and NEAT LOOKING except for the little pieces of flesh left on them (haha, made ya gag..)! Anyway.
Loved the Fourth of July but had some drama as usual...can't seem to learn to keep my mouth shut no matter what I do...Honesty may be the best policy but did anyone ever say you had to be COMPLETELY honest and share EVERYTHING you're thinking? Why ca't I just learn this lesson and keep silent?! I always get myself into Trouble.
We spent the whole day at Brad's house for his family's shindig... met his hilarious grandma (she slipped on the steps getting out of the pool and said "Aha! I'm drunk!" and wasn't and it was the funniest thing.. I love when people can have a sense of humor about stuff like that) and played with his wonderful nephew and puppy... Ty is the cutest ! and he's so smart...and he swims! It's amazing! I didn't know that kids who are very-nearly-two could even learn to swim so young...he doesn't need his floaties anymore.. and he forgets to come up for air, he's such a fish! it's been so exciting to watch him grow this summer. Brad's mom is a funny lady, too. But she never lets me help her clean the kitchen and I always feel in-the-way. I got to wipe off the stove yesterday though, guess that was productive. Haha.
We (in case any of you are wondering..."we" always almost exclusively means Donna, Brad, and I) went down to Fairhope Pier to watch the fireworks last night... We met up with Austin, Sarah, Travis, (Donna's cousins, like family to me if not closer) and Fajah (their dad, Uncle David - get it? Austin's father...) and their friends Shasta and Janson - The fireworks were incredible. My favorites are the gold ones that remind me of corn for some reason that branch out and crackle and don't pop-and-fade... they sort of hang there in the air. We almost got beat up because I kept telling people who were walking by to shut up, but for some reason I like to watch fireworks in silence - they're sacred, who dares speak through the show!? um...We also really liked the cloud-jellyfish ... you know the residue from the fireworks that stays in the air and you can see it during every flash? The Great Jellyfish of the Sky that only come out on the Fourth of July...hey, it rhymes, I'm a poet (didn't know it!).
okay, well, i'm rambling, and i don't want to talk about how i'm actually feeling about things (HAHA!!!!!!um, dunno why that was funny.) So i'm going to go to work now. Fare thee well, loyal citizens!