Katie Mo

Monday, October 25, 2004

So, I went and talked to the protestor man on the corner or 18th St S and 11th Ave S. He's standing in front of an abortion clinic, and no, that's not a uniform. He told me that I'm special and that God loves me and that it's unbelievable that babies can be killed in the United States all the way up to nine months. He also showed me a picture of an infant (about 3 months old) reaching out of it's mother's cesarean-cut and grasping the doctor's finger. It was pretty creepy. However, he was a very nice man and although his name tag said Chad, he told me another name. I thought he would be a bit pushier. Also, turns out he didn't put up his own Protestor sign. The clinic put it up. They made him leave when I left him, smiling, I guess they thought he talked me out of it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I HATE DORM LIFE WITH THE BURNING PASSION OF ONE THOUSAND SUNS. No, seriously. Because I don't know WHAT DIED in the fridge, but I am NOT CLEANING IT because it wasn't mine in the first place. These people are disgusting! I am a SLOB, and they gross me out. DOESN'T THAT SAY ANYTHING!?!!?!?!?
I do the dishes! All of them! And I hate doing that! But when they leave their dishes in the sink for WEEKS and just go out to eat when they run out of dishes.... ISN'T SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS? IS THERE ANYONE NORMAL OUT THERE?

also, if you're more interesting in reading about my life, you'll have better luck with my livejournal. Because it's too confusing to find the Create Post on this website, no offense. So IM me at yahoo or AIM at ladktbug because that's how you'll get it. mkay well :o*