Katie Mo

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here's some of what you missed out on:
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A trained monkey

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Someone walking the plank

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Someone being keel-hauled

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Another trained monkey

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

oh, what the hey. I was already procrasinating..

Keith was complaining, so this is me editing.

3 Names you go by:
1. Katie
2. Katie Mo
3. MoMo (not so sure about this one, I always think they said HoMo. but that's okay too. I AM a faghag. lol. I can admit it.)

3 Screennames you have had:
1. Ladktbug (this is the only one. my screenname has been the same since fifth grade. that's why it's so dumb. haha)

3 Things you like about yourself:
1. i'm easily amused
2. i have green eyes
3. i scare people with my complete and total honesty :)

3 Things you hate about yourself:
1. i make people self-concious
2. i'm easily intimidated
3. i'm more shallow than i'd like to admit.

3 Parts of your heritage:
1. German
2. French
3. Irish

3 Things that scare you:
1. the dark
2. drunk drivers
3. the wrath of God

3 of your everyday essentials:
1. cheese
2. gum
3. earphones

3 things you are wearing right now:
1. a purple skirt
2. my green necklace that i made out of WalMart beads
3. a shirt! aha! how original...

3 of your favorite musical artists:
1. Gavin deGraw
2. Lifehouse
3. Toby Lightman

3 of your favorite songs at present:
1. Lay Me on the Water - Gavin deGraw's version
2. Halleluja - Gavin's version
3. Cop Stop - Gavin deGraw
4. Everything - Lifehouse
5. Leave (Get Out) - JoJo (i know, i know. guilty pleasure)

3 things you want to try in the next 12 months:
1. singing in Carnegie Hall
2. making As in upperlevel classes
3. building a stronger community on my floor

3 things you want in a relationship (besides Love)
1. Respect
2. Humor
3. Honesty

2 truths and a lie:
1. I've been taking Centrum vitamins and they make me feel old.
2. I'm autistic.
3. The way to my heart is chocolate, coffee, and dogs.

3 Physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. Muscles.
2. Muscles.
3. Muscles. ...what?

3 of your favorite hobbies:
1. singing
2. reading
3. dressing in clothes that don't match.

3 thing you want to do really badly right now:
1. sleep
2. potty
3. be magically finished with my two papers that are due next week

3 Careers you want
1. teacher
2. book editor
3. children's librarian

3 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Italy
2. Home to the beach
3. India

3 kids names
1. Charlotte
2. Alexander
3. Gabriel

3 things you want to see before you die.
1. the Statue of Liberty
2. the Taj Mahal
3. my great grandchildren

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What do you do when your childhood is washed away with the tide?