Katie Mo

Friday, April 28, 2006


I know that you have all been eagerly awaiting my next post! Well, here in the Dead Days of Katie, I find myself at a loss a to what to do, because I'm not supposed to be reading anything! I have been so behind for the past five months in my reading that I feel like I'm missing some huge part of my life right now! Amazing!
In other news, I recently completed my masterpiece, my Treebeard. I am blogging primarily to share these pictures of my creation with you!
He went from this:

to this:

in less than a month!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

haha, little joke, bye!


Monday, April 17, 2006

"I like you forever
I love you for always
As long as I'm living
My mommy you'll be!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hi! I haven't updated in like a week! And I shouldn't be updating now! bwahaha.
I miss Keith's blog.

Thursday at 4pm in the Hixson Lobby!
at the Mad Hatter's Unbirthday Party!

so anyway. that's my program this month! I'm excited about it! I wish I had an apron to wear. My costume is too small for me. Apparently I've grown since I was 10!!! Who knew!??! haha! I haven't gotten taller since 1999 or something. Isn't that sad?! My grandma's wall at the cabin told me that.

I have a ten page paper due tomorrow and I have all my research but that doesn't mean a whole lot! haha. I also have three longish papers due the week after next. I need to exile myself, but I will be really depressed if I do that!

I just registered for my first summer class ever!!! I'm taking American Women Writers in the Summer A term! hooray!

i love colors! goodbye.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

my Spring Break was AMAZING. Crazy, fun, and completely relaxed. My brain has not yet recovered. I dread the paper due next week, and the two after it.

it is my bedtime.