Katie Mo

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Today was a not good day. . .
(One of) my psych teachers is completely incompetent (I stress "completely" because I don't think that the other one hits a very high standard either). I fail to see how what she lectures on relates to the book, or the reasoning behind the test we have to take every class period on a new chapter when we haven't moved out of the first one (other than to keep us coming to class but that's a shitty unfair way to keep up your attendance), or how hermaphrodites relate to our class in any possible way other than perhaps she noticed that I was going to get up and walk out to refrain from KILLING EVERYONE IN THERE TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM THEIR SHEER STUPIDITY!!! ...so. Anyway. That was that class... I wish guys knew that it was to have a period - to know what it is to feel ABSOLUTELY CRAZY for a few days with NO explanation - and not even understand it yourself. so. that about sums it up. bye!
also, i feel much better now. Hurray food!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

if i start thinking of this as my "senior year," it's a lot scarier. So I'm not gonna do that.

I saw an amazing shirt today that said "Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be outside alone." It made me laugh. I loved it.

In other news, week two began on a good note and I hope to keep it that way.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


:oD I am okay.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Hello! I haven't blogged in a really long time!
Everything is going well! I was invited to write an undergraduate Honors Thesis for the English Department, and I agreed to do so, so I I have a lot on my plate this year! AHH!!!
I am finally all moved in to Camp, too! Hurray! All I have to do is hang things on the walls now to make them pretty. Because you can see all the paint patches they had to put up after the last resident - the base paint of my wall is flat, but they patched it with something shiny. Brilliant. But anyway, look at my pretty room!

my living room and my view! how exciting!!!