so, I feel like talking incessantly; and rather than annoying the crap out of dad who is trying to listen to Rush Limbaugh, why not just type type type away on here since I haven't in a while.
Really I don't have a lot to tell you guys.
I think I might have an ear infection in my left ear; I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday; and so far, this summer = awesome. Haven't had much beach time...was tan for two weeks after a bad burn and am now peeling (booooo). My whiteness annoys me. It was such a beautiful gold, too. Now it's patchy, peeling, gross... you know. Went to the lake this past weekend to see my mom with Donna and Brad, we tried to catch up with Rob and see if we couldn't rescue him from the boredom of desk-working, but it didn't work out, somehow. I'm freaking out about the teeth thing. I don't want to be doped up...My mom said that after they doped her up, her mom started asking her questions to see what she lied about. She better not have any ideas about that, because I'm a good kid and for the most part, i don't lie; and if i do, it's usually for her own good. oh well. haha. if she really wants to know that badly... I wish the doc hadn't told me all the complications that are possible, i'm freaking out about the whole possibly numb-lip for the rest of my life thing. I NEED that lip. I need both lips. Kissing would be futile with a numb lip - how much could that POSSIBLY suck!? Also, I think it's hilarious that mom's gonna have to help me go to the bathroom all day thursday. How creepy and weird. I'm gonna be spoon-fed, too. This could be the best adventure EVER. OOOHHH!!! THUNDER! it's gonna storm! yay!
i'm going to Wal*Mart to buy new pajama pants and toothpaste. :o*